Bright Beginnings Early Learning Center Toddlers (1 yr olds) Daily Classroom Schedule
Toilet and hand washing occur throughout the day as needed.
Morning Schedule
Open Ended Play in Learning Centers
Non-Directed Play, Art / Sensory, Language & Library, Small Manipulative / Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science
Self Help Skills / Diapering and Toileting / Morning Snack
Open Ended Play in Learning Centers
Non-Directed Play, Art / Sensory, Language & Library, Small Manipulative / Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science
Circle Time Group Activity:
Weather, Songs, Calenadr, Months of the Year, Phonics & Reading, Spanish, Sign Language, Planned Curriculum
Open Ended Play in Learning Centers / Small Group Activities / Self Help Skills / Diapering and Toileting
Art / Sensory, Language & Library, Small Manipulative / Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science, Social Studies Group Activity: Planned Curriculum, Phonics & Reading, Group Read Aloud, Sensory, Art
Playground Time
Development of Large Muscles, Coordination, Agility, Cooperation Play and Social Skills
Wash Up / Self Help Skills / Diapering and Toileting / Open Ended Play in Learning Centers
Art / Sensory, Language & Library, Small Manipulative / Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science, Social Studies
Afternoon Schedule
Lunch / Self Help Skills / Diapering and Toileting
Napping / Rest Time / Self Help Skills
Wake Up / Self Help Skills / Diapering and Toileting / Open Ended Play in Learning Centers
Non-Directed Play, Art / Sensory, Language & Library, Small Manipulative / Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science
Development of Large Muscles, Coordination, Agility, Cooperative Play, Social Skills
Wash Up / Diapering and Toileting / Afternoon Snack
Afternoon Circle Time Review
Weather, Songs, Calendar, Months of the Year, Phonics & Reading, Spanish, Sign Language, Music and Movement
Open Ended Play in Learning Centers / Small Group Activities / Self Help Skills / Diaperiing and Toileting
Art / Sensory, Language & Library, Small Manipulative / Math, Dramatic Play, Blocks, Science, Social Studies Group Activity: Planned Curriculum, Phonics & Reading, Group Read-Aloud, Sensory, Art
Self Help Skills / Diapering and Toileting / Open Ended Play in Learning Centers in 2C
Blocks, Hand Writing, Shapes, Ordering, Matching, Measuring, Comparing